Saturday, August 7, 2010

Going Down Swinging No.30 launch

Thursday Night Swing Club: No.30 Melbourne Launch Party
The band will swing. The funk will fly. The jazz will ignite your feathers.

Thursday 2nd September, 8pm–10.30pm, Toff In Town
$25 (No.30 included in ticket price)
Hosted by Brian Nankervis (Rockwiz) Launched by Richard Watts (RRR)

Starring: Maxine Beneba Clarke, Ezra Bix, Emily XYZ and Myers Bartlett (USA),Paul Mitchell and Eleanor Jackson. Plus DJ Johnny Topper, Silent Disco projection, and the hot swingin’ sounds of FLAP!


derek said...

'...I feel it’s time to move on. I’m finding engagement a little exhausting these days and god knows my addiction to self-promotion is a bore. (Isn’t it handy that for every chapter of our lives that we close we can abandon a blog to go with it?)'

nathan curnow said...

oh the cut&paste OUTRAGE ;)

hey D, looks like it's just you and me here these days ;)

Magdalena Ball said...

Nah, not just you and D. I love lurking about this blog - makes me wish I lived in Victoria so I could attend some of those tasty GDS functions. I've even given you an little award for it in my latest blog post:
Thank you!

derek said...

cut & paste attacks are the best. the malice is so pure & immediate...

wow. you abandon your blog, & then magdalena gives you an award for blogging? 'erudite & witty' she calls you. that's the kind of thing you should publish in the sidebar of the blog. or maybe you're holding out for tara moss to do one for you?

oh okay then, i'll do one: 'i read nathan curnow's blog because of his boyish good looks. & that's not all, i believe he can cook some kind of a pasta dish.'

John Holton said...

Hey Nathan, lost your email due to a computer mishap but wanted to say hi. Being someone who's always a at least a step behind the latest literary trends, I've only just finished reading The Ghost Poetry Project. Wanted you to know how much I loved the experience. There's not much poetry can't do, but I doubted that it could make me 'scared'. Many of the poems in your collection made the hair stand up on the back of my neck- others were just very beautiful, very poignant or very sad. Anyway, you deserve all the accolades that have come your way - and congrats on the big prize for 'endtime'.
Today I had a poem accepted for Moving Galleries - my own small victory. You take'm where you can.

Matthew John Davies said...

Fantastic cover. Quack.

Bisnis Investasi said...

Freedom from hunger and freedom from pain
freedom from loss and so freedom from gain.
Freedom to give and freedom to share
freedom from want and that of despair.When i was 20 i found out that i was pregnant + God forgives and still love us despite our past. + This poem has helped me deal with extreme depression. + PUISI CINTA BINTANG KEHIDUPAN + PUISI DO'A HARAPAN KESABARAN MERAIH REMBULAN + PUISI SELAMAT ULANG TAHUN GOKIL FULL + PUISI SELAMAT ULANG TAHUN UNIK BANGET + PUISI SELAMAT MALAM UNTUK KEKASIH ROMANTIS + PUISI MINTA MAAF KEPADA KEKASIH + PUISI JENUH MENYAYAT HATI DAN PIKIRAN + PUISI CINTA BERAT GADIS ALFAMART + PUISI KATA CINTA GOMBAL ROMANTIS PARAH BANGET + PUISI PACAR EMOSI BAHASA JAWA TOP BANGET + Puisi Ibu Kartini Untuk Bapak Kartono + PUISI RINGKAS LUGAS TIDAK JELAS + To my angel in the sky + The innocent child in mother’s + PUISI PRESIDEN OBAMA TENTANG INDONESIA + Please don’t give your child the name of + The Baby Must Be + To my little baby + PUISI JANGAN PAKSA AKU NYONTEK UAN + Puisi Aku Yang Terpaksa Bisa + The Gift Poems + My sweet baby